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Mill Hill, London

What Childhood Illnesses to Lookout For

Childhood Illnesses

Children are little explorers, eager to touch, taste, and play with everything they encounter. However, this curiosity also puts them at risk of contracting various childhood illnesses. As a parent, understanding these illnesses, their symptoms, risks, and preventive measures can be your best defence. Why Are Children More Susceptible? Children’s immune systems are still developing, […]

Don’t Sleep On These 3 Tips For Better Sleep

Better Sleep

Better sleep is something that all of us can benefit from. Not getting enough sleep impacts pretty much everything we do, from how able we are to concentrate to the choices we make around food. If you don’t feel like you’re currently getting enough sleep – or the sleep you’re getting is low quality – […]

Endometriosis: Do I Have It?


If you have a lot of pelvic pain during menstruation then “do I have endometriosis” might be the question at the front of your mind. This is a condition that can cause a lot of pain and, if you think that you might have it, then you will need to see a doctor to get […]

Benefits of Walking: More Than You Think

Benefits of Walking

When it comes to exercise, we are often quick to overlook the benefits of walking. We tend to think that exercise has to be very hard and sweaty in order to be worth it and this can be off-putting. In fact, moving your body in any way can be beneficial, especially walking. There are lots […]

5 Warning Signs of Cervical Cancer

Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer occurs when abnormal cells in the cervix, the lower part of the uterus, start growing uncontrollably. These cells can invade nearby tissues and, in advanced stages, spread to other parts of the body. Cervical cancer is often caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). In this blog, we will explore what cervical cancer is, […]

3 Diet Tips to Support Your Mental Health

Mental Health

It’s no secret that our physical health is deeply connected to what we eat. But did you know that your diet can significantly influence your mental health too? Various studies suggest a strong link between our dietary habits and our mental well-being. This means the food you eat can either support your mental health or […]

Back Pain Causes In Females: 3 Reasons Why

Back Pain

Back pain is something that many of us suffer from. It can be hard and debilitating, affecting how we live and work. That’s why it’s so useful to be able to identify the causes of back pain – so that you can take steps to help remove this discomfort from your life. When it comes […]

Ways To Relax: Try These 4 Tips


Stress and anxiety play a part in all our lives in some way. How you deal with these will have a direct impact on long-term health and wellbeing. If we don’t find ways to relax and deal with stress then they tend to force us to stop and deal with them eventually, whether that’s through […]

Do You Want To Quit Smoking? Here’s 5 Benefits

Do You Want To Quit Smoking?

It’s no secret that smoking poses significant health risks, but quitting can often feel like an insurmountable task. However, with the right support and motivation, you can overcome this challenge. Chase Lodge Hospital, based in North London’s Mill Hill, provides tailored support to individuals who are ready to embark on a journey to quit smoking. […]

Do I Need Private Health Insurance?

Health Insurance

Many often ponder, “Do I need health insurance?” especially when contemplating the transition to private healthcare. To clear up your concerns, let’s delve into the benefits of private health care and how Chase Lodge Hospital can support you in your goals. Why Consider Private Health Insurance? The answer to “Do I need health insurance?” can […]