020 8358 7100



Mill Hill, London

Better Teenage Mental Health: 6 Facts You Should Know

Mental Health

Teenage mental health is becoming more fraught, with more than 1 in 6 children aged 7 to 16 reported to have a “probable mental health disorder” last year. More children than ever are suffering the effects of peer pressure, bullying and hyper visibility brought on in schools, social groups and online through social media. Chase […]

Feeling Tired at Work? Maybe It’s Work Fatigue

Feeling Tired at Work

Feeling chronically tired at work, but suddenly rejuvenated at home? Are you Struggling to focus on your tasks and crave the moment you can clock out? If this sounds familiar, you may be experiencing work fatigue, a common but often overlooked phenomenon in today’s demanding work culture. Work fatigue is more than just tiredness after […]

Visit a Nutritionist: Transform Your Well-being


Transform your life and well-being with optimal nutrition Understanding the Role of a Nutritionist: Unfortunately for many people, convenience often takes precedence over health. It’s no wonder that many individuals find themselves struggling with dietary imbalances and related health issues. The good news is that help is readily available in the form of nutritionists, and […]

Tips for Preventing Summer Sports Injuries

Preventing Summer Sports Injuries

As the summer season approaches, many individuals eagerly prepare to engage in their favourite sports and outdoor activities. Whether it’s swimming, cycling, tennis, or football, the warmer weather offers ample opportunities for sports enthusiasts to enjoy their chosen activities. However, it’s important to prioritise safety and take necessary precautions to prevent sports injuries. In this […]

Tackling Hayfever: Effective Strategies for Relief and Treatment

Tackling Hayfever

As spring blossoms into summer, many individuals find themselves in the midst of an annual battle with a condition that affects their quality of life: hay fever. Also known as allergic rhinitis, hay fever is a common allergic reaction to pollen, causing symptoms such as sneezing, itching, a runny nose, and watery eyes. If you’re […]

How to Stay Healthy Whilst Travelling Abroad

How to Stay Healthy Whilst Travelling Abroad

Are you planning on going abroad this summer? Exploring new cultures, sampling exotic cuisines, and creating unforgettable memories are all part of the experience. However, it’s crucial to prioritize your health whilst traveling abroad, as in some places you’ll find it much harder to get the medical help you need compared to here in the […]

Keeping Active and Injury-Free with Physiotherapy Treatments

Physiotherapy Treatments

What is Sports Medicine or Physiotherapy? Engaging in regular physical activity is essential for maintaining overall health and well-being. However, it is not uncommon for individuals, whether professional athletes or fitness enthusiasts, to experience injuries or other setbacks during their pursuit of an active lifestyle. This is where the field of sports medicine comes into […]

The Rise of Non-Medically Trained Aesthetics Practitioners

The Rise of Non-Medically Trained Aesthetics Practitioners

Non-surgical Rejuvenation or Aesthetics Treatments Have Increased In Popularity The aesthetics industry has witnessed tremendous growth in the UK over the past decade, with a wide array of treatments aimed at enhancing physical appearance and boosting self-esteem. As this sector continues to expand, so too does the number of non-medically trained practitioners who offer aesthetic […]

How to make the most of your private GP or hospital appointment

Hospital Appointment

Going to the doctor can be a daunting experience, but it doesn’t have to be. By following a few simple tips, you can make the most of your private GP or hospital appointment. By following these tips, you can make the most of your healthcare visit and get the care you need. Chase Lodge Hospital […]

Check out our new Weight Management Clinic

Weight Management Clinic

Chase Lodge Hospital has announced the launch of a new weight loss clinic that will offer patients access to Wegovy, a new prescription medication that has been shown to help people lose weight. What is Wegovy? Wegovy is a once-weekly injectable medication that works by helping to reduce appetite. It is approved by the MHRA […]