The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), a potentially life-threatening condition. The HIV virus damages your immune system, making it harder for your body to fight infections and diseases.
Infection with HIV is a sexually transmitted disease (STI). Blood contact, illicit drug use, and sharing needles can also spread it. A mother can also pass it on to her child during pregnancy, childbirth, or breastfeeding. If left untreated, HIV can weaken your immune system for years before causing AIDS.
Despite the fact that HIV/AIDS has no cure, medications can control the infection and prevent it from progressing. AIDS deaths have been reduced by antiviral treatments around the globe, and international organizations are working to make prevention and treatment more accessible in countries with limited resources.
HIV infection may start with flu-like symptoms:
- Fever
- Feeling chills
- Rashes
- Sweating at night
- Aches and pains in the muscles
- Sore throat
- Fatigue
- Swollen lymph nodes
- Ulcers in the mouth
It may take two to four weeks for these symptoms to appear and disappear. HIV infection at this stage is known as acute infection.
HIV infection becomes chronic if left untreated. At this stage, there are usually no symptoms.
Prevention has been very successful with safe sexual practices, avoiding needle sharing, getting tested regularly if sexually active and preventative antiretroviral medications like PREP and PEP.
To discuss diagnosis and treatment options, please book an appointment with our specialist.
To learn more about HIV and AIDS, please click on:
Dr Ibrahim Yahli MD MRCPsych