Chase Lodge Hospital

020 8358 7100



Mill Hill, London

Find Your Hidden Allergies Through Allergy Testing

Allergy Testing

Have you ever considered that your daily discomforts or unexplained health issues are due to hidden food sensitivities? While common allergens like nuts, dairy, or shellfish get a lot of attention, many of us live with subtle allergies without even knowing it. This is where the wonders of private allergy testing come into play.

Understanding Food Sensitivities and Allergies

Before delving into the specifics of private allergy testing, it’s essential to understand what food sensitivities are. Unlike food allergies, which can cause immediate and potentially life-threatening reactions, food sensitivities often result in milder yet chronic symptoms. These can range from digestive issues, skin problems, headaches, fatigue, persistent dry coughs and even mood changes. The tricky part? These symptoms can be delayed, making it hard to pinpoint the exact cause.

The Role of Private Allergy Testing

This is where private allergy testing becomes invaluable. Such testing is designed to identify specific foods your body might be reacting to subtly. Unlike standard allergy tests offered by general healthcare providers, private allergy testing can be more comprehensive, often including a broader range of food items and sensitivity levels.

Why Opt for Private Allergy Testing?

  • Comprehensive Analysis: Private allergy testing often uses advanced methods to detect a broader spectrum of food sensitivities.
  • Personalised Attention: Private allergy testing services often provide more personalised care, with detailed reports and sometimes even consultations to help you understand your results.
  • Empowerment Through Knowledge: Knowing exactly what your body is reacting to can empower you to make informed dietary choices, improving your health and well-being.

Private Allergy Testing

One of the most common methods of private allergy testing is the skin prick test. This simple yet effective procedure is designed to identify immediate allergic reactions to as many as 40 different substances at once. Here’s a closer look at how the skin prick test works:

The Procedure of the Skin Prick Test

  1. Preparation: Initially, the test area, usually the forearm or the back, is cleaned. Then, tiny marks are made on the skin to indicate where each allergen will be applied.
  2. Application of Allergens: Tiny amounts of potential allergens are applied next to each mark. These allergens could include various types of food, pollen, pet dander, dust mites, or moulds.
  3. Pricking the Skin: A sterile lancet is used to gently prick or scratch the skin’s surface through the drop of allergen. This allows a tiny amount of substance to enter just beneath the skin’s surface. It’s important to note that this process is usually not painful but might cause some discomfort or itching.
  4. Observation Period: After the application, you’ll need to wait for about 15 to 20 minutes. During this time, the body will react to the allergens it’s sensitive to.
  5. Interpreting Results: The test is considered positive if a wheal (a raised, red bump similar to a mosquito bite) develops at the test spot. The size of the wheal is then measured. Larger wheals typically indicate a more significant allergic reaction, whereas no reaction suggests a lack of sensitivity to that particular substance.

The skin prick test is known for its high level of accuracy in detecting immediate allergic reactions. It’s a preferred method in private allergy testing due to its quick results and ability to test multiple allergens simultaneously. While generally safe for people of all ages, it’s performed under medical supervision to manage any rare but potentially severe allergic reactions.

After the test, you might experience temporary itching and redness at the test sites. These symptoms usually subside within a few hours. In cases of strong reactions, a topical cream or antihistamine may be recommended to ease discomfort.

The Role of Skin Prick Test in Identifying Food Sensitivities

While the skin prick test is excellent for identifying immediate allergic reactions, it’s important to note that it might not be as effective for detecting food sensitivities, which often produce delayed reactions. In such cases, other forms of testing, like blood tests, might be recommended alongside the skin prick test for a more comprehensive understanding of one’s allergic responses.

Taking Action: Beyond the Test

Identifying your food sensitivities is just the beginning. The real challenge is adjusting your diet accordingly. Here’s how you can start:

  • Elimination Diet: Based on your test results, start by eliminating the identified foods from your diet, one at a time. This helps to isolate the impact each food has on your body.
  • Monitor and Journal: Keep a diary of what you eat and how you feel. This can help you notice patterns and correlations between your diet and health.
  • Reintroduction Phase: Gradually reintroduce foods back into your diet, one at a time, and monitor your body’s reaction. This can help confirm your sensitivities and tolerance levels.
  • Seek Professional Guidance: Work with a dietitian or a nutritionist to ensure your modified diet meets all your nutritional needs.

Adjusting to a new diet can be challenging, but it is also an opportunity to explore new foods and recipes. Remember, the goal is not just to eliminate certain foods but to find a diet that nourishes and supports your health and well-being.

A Step Towards Better Health

Private allergy testing offers a valuable tool for anyone suspecting they might have food sensitivities. By identifying the specific foods that cause discomfort, you can tailor your diet to suit your body’s needs, leading to a healthier, more comfortable life. Remember, knowledge is power, and in the case of food sensitivities, it’s the power to feel better every day. Contact us and book a private allergy testing, and make dietary changes that could significantly improve your quality of life.


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