
If you have a lot of pelvic pain during menstruation then “do I have endometriosis” might be the question at the front of your mind. This is a condition that can cause a lot of pain and, if you think that you might have it, then you will need to see a doctor to get some tests to make sure. This is what you need to know if you’re thinking: “do I have endometriosis” right now?

What is Endometriosis?

It is a condition that is characterised by small pieces of tissue that would usually grow inside the uterus growing outside of it instead. When tissue starts to grow outside of the uterus like this it can block fallopian tubes, cover ovaries and also the tissue lining of the pelvis. It’s not a condition that will simply go away on its own. In fact, endometriosis will usually get worse so it’s essential to get help with it.

Do I have endometriosis? – some of the signs

Pelvic pain is the most obvious sign of endometriosis but this can manifest in a number of different ways, including pain during or after sex, when you use the toilet (either urination or bowel movements), irregular bleeding between periods or particularly heavy bleeding when you’re on your period. There are also other signs of endometriosis to look out for, including bloating, constipation, nausea, mood changes as a result of pain and even infertility.

What happens if you go to the doctor about endometriosis?

If you have symptoms that seem typical of endometriosis then your doctor will probably order a number of tests to help determine whether this is the cause of your discomfort. These include:

  • A pelvic exam: If you’re experiencing pelvic pain then the first thing your doctor will do is go to the source of that pain and examine the area. They will be looking for signs of scar tissue or of a cyst. On its own, a pelvic exam is not usually enough to establish whether there is indeed endometriosis present.
  • An ultrasound: The way that an ultrasound works is to use high frequency sound waves to create an image of your reproductive organs. Many of these tests are done with a transducer (an ultrasound wand inserted into the vagina) or by moving an ultrasound device across your abdomen. An ultrasound alone may not be enough to confirm endometriosis but it will reveal where there are signs of endometriosis – an ovarian cyst that is common in someone who has endometriosis.
  • An MRI: X-rays are used to create a complete picture of the inside of your body so that any endometriosis can be seen. An MRI is often what doctors use before surgery for the condition.
  • Laparoscopy: This is essentially a small cut that is made near the belly button so that a laparoscopy can be used to look for signs of endometriosis.

If you think you may have endometriosis then it’s important to try and get a diagnosis as soon as possible so that the discomfort of the condition can be managed.

We’re Here to Help

At Chase Lodge Hospital, our private gp’s can open the space for discussion and diagnosis swiftly. Our dedicated team are always here to help, and to put your health on the right track. Get in touch today, and we can move forward together.