Cancer is a condition where the cells in a certain part of the body goes out of control and start to grow and multiply unruly.
This uncontrolled grow can destroy that specific part of the body and so spread to other parts of the body, which is called metastasis.
The cause of cancer is unknown but mostly family history and environmental factors play the major roles.
Evidence suggests that 1 in 2 people will suffer from at least one type of cancer during their lifetime.
Although there are hundreds of types of cancer, the most common ones are:
The other known ones are
– Lymphoma – cancer of lymph glands
– Leukaemia – cancer of blood cells
– Skin cancers like melanoma
– Liver cancer
– Pancreatic cancer
– Bone cancer
– Thyroid cancer
– Uterus (womb) cancer
– Cervical (the organ connecting the uterus and vagina) cancer
– Brain cancer
The symptoms of cancer vary for each type of cancer:
To learn more about cancer and the types of cancer, please visit:
Please visit our clinic and book cancer specific screening and check up packages if you suspect from cancer.
Dr Ibrahim Yahli MD MRCPsych